2013-09-28 D&RGW #315 Night Photo Prep by ArizonaLorne
ArizonaLorne's Gallery ArizonaLorne's Gallery
  1. ArizonaLorne's Gallery
  2. Durango Rwy Historical Society
  3. 2013-09-28 D&RGW #315 Night Photo Prep2013-09-28 D&RGW #315 Night Photo Prep
2013-09-26 #315 takes Cattle Cars up the 'Hill'
2013-09-26 Federal Railway Administration tests D&RGW #315
2013-09-27 #315 Serviced at Chama
2013-09-27 Federal Railway Administration tests at the Rio Chama Bridge
2013-09-28 D&RGW #315 Night Photo Prep
2014-08-15 Silverton Yard
A new friend, Paul Deeter, cleans the markers of #315
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