2013-11 UP Wyoming Division    Operating Session by...
ArizonaLorne's Gallery ArizonaLorne's Gallery
  1. ArizonaLorne's Gallery
  2. Wyoming Division Historical Society - HO Scale Model Railroad
  3. 2013-11 UP Wyoming Division Operating Session2013-11 UP Wyoming Division    Operating Session
2012 - 2013 UPRR Wyoming Div. Cornville,AZ
Luau at Verryl & Sharon's
2013-10 UP Wyoming Division Operating Session #1 & BBQ
2013-11 UP Wyoming Division Operating Session
2013-12 UP Wyoming Division Operating Session
2014 Working on the Railroad
2014-05 UP Wyoming Division Training Session
2014-07 UP Wyoming Division Operating Session
2014-08 Wyoming Division Operating Session
2014-09 UP Wyoming Division Operating Session
2014-11 Wyoming Div. Operating Session & BBQ
1st Annual Winter Invitational
2015-1st Quarter Collective
2015-2nd Quarter Collective
2nd Invitational Meet
Verryl pointing out items to Donn Pease and Rick Frese (sp)
Father and son continuing a traditional hobby
Greg taking a brake
Laramie yard
Ask Lenny what happened!?!!?!
Dale Jct has been modified with cutout below
Verryl giving the into speech
Talk about a somber looking group, OR is it just intense?
Ryan calling DS for our Chyenne departure
Jim Patterson checking the routing
Donn & Mike
My helper engine that was used with Ryan's freight out of Cheyenne
Mike and Anthony
Steve Hatch (center) working Evanston
Bruce working Echo Jct.
View from the top
Our dispatchers hard at work
Jim Tuck calling the DS
Lenny (center) making sure everything is under control
Over view of Laramie
"Car 54, where are you?''
Notice we have some wives visiting too!
Verryl telling the 'lazy bums to get back to work'. No, just kidding.
Ryan and Steve (close quarters)
Time for some grub. Thanks to Sharon and Verryl. David came later for clean up help.
Two helper engines at the ready
Working Laramie
Ryan getting down to it
Leaving Laramie and heading for Cheyenne
Working Cheyenne
Donn working Echo Jct.
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