2013-09-27 Federal Railway Administration tests at the...
ArizonaLorne's Gallery ArizonaLorne's Gallery
  1. ArizonaLorne's Gallery
  2. Durango Rwy Historical Society
  3. 2013-09-27 Federal Railway Administration tests at the Rio Chama Bridge2013-09-27 Federal Railway Administration tests at the Rio Chama Bridge
2013-09-26 #315 takes Cattle Cars up the 'Hill'
2013-09-26 Federal Railway Administration tests D&RGW #315
2013-09-27 #315 Serviced at Chama
2013-09-27 Federal Railway Administration tests at the Rio Chama Bridge
2013-09-28 D&RGW #315 Night Photo Prep
2014-08-15 Silverton Yard
Friday was cold and rainy all day. After servicing #315, she was called for testing by the FRA.
Conductor Ed Beaudette gets the 3 cabooses coupled, and we're off to the bridge.
Paul Deeter gets busy in the tender
Cleaning the mud ring
a rear view
We stopped just short of Jake's tree, back up and do it all over again
The electronics/computers were sheltered from the rain in the tent below the bridge. Censors were attached to the bridge to test stress levels
Paul on the ground this time
Gene Lincoln relaxing in the cupola
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